Friday, August 21, 2009

ID softwares new game "Rage"

Ok whats up guys, so at GamesCon in Germany, ID software showed off there new games "Rage". Now when i first saw this trailer, i thought WOW this is a complete fallout clone. But when seeing the gameplay and some of the mechanics it seemed as if, Fallout Bioshock and Twisted Metal had a baby, and they named it RAGE! There hasn't been much info on the story, but this is the best i can break it down. There is nuclear war, and many people thought it was the end of the world. Although there were small civilizations that survived. In the trailer it had a poster saying "the last ark has been buried may god help the ones left behind." Now interpreting Ark and buried, it seems like its a vault. Thats really all i know about the game, if you haven't seen the trailer here it is!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Ps3 Slim

Ok to reboot the website back up I've decided that the biggest news for me is the new ps3 slim. Mainly because i havent't got one yet :( Although im loving the price drop and don't have to buy one used. So during GamesCon in Germany, sony finally annouced it. There are very few diffeneces between the ps3 and the ps3 slim. One of course is size, duhhh. Another thing i have noticed is the new logo change. when looking up on it i've notice during the 1st gen it had a very spiderman looking text with playstaion 3 on the front. 2nd gen had a very bold
PS3 logo look. So now with the 3rd and probly last gen of the ps3 has a very wavy loose logo of PS3 on much like the ps2 did. Now not to drag this out too long, here is the rest of list.

#1: no card reader
#2: no backwards compatiblity(which i think is BS only a few of the original modles are :C )
#3: may not be able to put linux on it which sucks also ( i was really looking forward to playing CS:S on it)
#4: last but not least, you can upgrade the hard drive!!!! ( yay now we can have way more useless space were never going to use, 1 trilobyte ps3's FTW!)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fallout 3 Movie

Ok, whats up guys, i was recently watching a movie called The Island. Now as i was watching this movie all i could think about was how much it resembled Fallout 3. So here is the plot, there is an organization making insurance polices, but here is the twist, there making clones. They are also held down in a secure underground lair, just like the vault. Now there was no way i could concentrate on the movie, because i kept thinking of the possibilities of how fallout could have played out. But off the subject i will be going out of town, and i will try my best to keep up w/ the news.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Love Mario?

Hey guys, i was just stumbling upon newgrounds when i found this SWEET game, its called mario 63. So its basically a flashgame, but has the sooo many true essences of Mario. Now, what the creator did is basically combine Mario Sunshine, and Mario64, and made a side scrolling adventure! Also as an added, somewhat Easter egg the loading screen is as if you were DLing something off the market channel :). Everyone should check this game, play it and rate it!

Super Mario 63

The Generartion of BurnTToastGaming

Hey guys whats up my name is Chillbilly, But you can call me Austin, its your call. I felt like making a blog just for me and well maybe a good friend of mine, El Marto! But just a little back knowledge of myself, i was working with a website called GamingSigma. We had podcast (off and on a hole different story) reviews, previews, news you name it! But ended i fell like somewhat prematurely. But enough about that, about a month before the break from GS i made this website because i felt like was carrying the website on my shoulders ( I was the only one trying to help it.) so thus was born BTG, and what i hope become to be. so stay tuned, and enjoy the ride.