Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Ps3 Slim

Ok to reboot the website back up I've decided that the biggest news for me is the new ps3 slim. Mainly because i havent't got one yet :( Although im loving the price drop and don't have to buy one used. So during GamesCon in Germany, sony finally annouced it. There are very few diffeneces between the ps3 and the ps3 slim. One of course is size, duhhh. Another thing i have noticed is the new logo change. when looking up on it i've notice during the 1st gen it had a very spiderman looking text with playstaion 3 on the front. 2nd gen had a very bold
PS3 logo look. So now with the 3rd and probly last gen of the ps3 has a very wavy loose logo of PS3 on much like the ps2 did. Now not to drag this out too long, here is the rest of list.

#1: no card reader
#2: no backwards compatiblity(which i think is BS only a few of the original modles are :C )
#3: may not be able to put linux on it which sucks also ( i was really looking forward to playing CS:S on it)
#4: last but not least, you can upgrade the hard drive!!!! ( yay now we can have way more useless space were never going to use, 1 trilobyte ps3's FTW!)