Friday, August 21, 2009

ID softwares new game "Rage"

Ok whats up guys, so at GamesCon in Germany, ID software showed off there new games "Rage". Now when i first saw this trailer, i thought WOW this is a complete fallout clone. But when seeing the gameplay and some of the mechanics it seemed as if, Fallout Bioshock and Twisted Metal had a baby, and they named it RAGE! There hasn't been much info on the story, but this is the best i can break it down. There is nuclear war, and many people thought it was the end of the world. Although there were small civilizations that survived. In the trailer it had a poster saying "the last ark has been buried may god help the ones left behind." Now interpreting Ark and buried, it seems like its a vault. Thats really all i know about the game, if you haven't seen the trailer here it is!